Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Is Your Furnace Keeping Secrets?

With winter setting in soon, this is the time to make sure your family will be able to stay warm and comfortable in the months ahead.
First order of business: get your furnace ready for service. Sure, it’s had a good long rest over the warmer months, but that also means it’s had a chance to collect dust, rust and gunk. None of that will help on a cold winter’s night. 
The number one reason for your system failing isn’t age, brand, lightning or that you play with your thermostat too much – it’s dirt.   That’s right, a furnace that isn’t regularly cleaned and tuned will most likely be the reason the heat doesn’t come one night. 
There are a lot of other reasons seasonal maintenance is a good idea – like saving energy dollars, increasing the life of your system and protecting yourself from dangerous problems like carbon monoxide poisoning.  This quick video explains more, so please take a look!